In little time, celebrities go from appearing ultra-glam to looking completely natural. Celebrities like kareena kapoor Khan and Keerthy suresh are uploading selfies of themselves looking comfortable without even any makeup on social media, which we didn't see them do before. Keerthy posted a post-workout selfie on facebook before samples were positive, and she looked extremely lovely without any filters.

The actress looked voluptuous earlier in one of her brand shoots and all of a sudden the videos she uploaded on her personal social media pages are missing. We aren't sure if the actress has deleted them intentionally or has been replaced with some other actress right now. Keerthy suresh is on a high note after signing some massive projects in her career and she is flying higher with more notable ventures.

Keerthy suresh recently went on a vacation to the uae and spent time with her mom and was shooting for some advertisements as well. It seems she contracted the virus during this vacation period and despite taking two doses she got tested back positive and is now in isolation. Right now, her health update is normal and she wants to be secluded from everyone else.

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