For the third season, mahesh babu and trivikram srinivas are collaborating on a film appropriately titled SSMB28. While the cast members were confirmed in August, there is already speculation that sai pallavi may have an unique part in the film. According to the recent speculations, the starlet has been invited to play Mahesh Babu's sibling in his upcoming film alongside trivikram, which will begin filming soon.

Neither, unfortunately, has been confirmed. It will be interesting to see if sai pallavi accepts the part or not. Because it is a sister character opposite mahesh babu, the starlet is a little apprehensive. trivikram srinivas and mahesh babu collaborated on athadu (2005) and khaleja (2010) Their pairing, as well as the films they collaborated on, has a dedicated following.

For the past twelve years, supporters have been anticipating the third collaboration. If everybody goes according to plan, the shoot will begin in April. S. Radha krishna produces SSMB28 underneath the name of Haarika and Hassine Creations. pooja hegde plays the starring heroine, and Thaman created the music We will get more clarity once the formal pooja for the movie is done and it is expected once the Omicron variant subsides.

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