Vikram Kumar directed the love drama Thank You. Previously, naga chaitanya collaborated with the filmmaker on manam (2014). The starring women are Raashi Khanna, Avika Gor, and malavika Nair. The concertmaster is S Thaman. dil Raju's production company, Sri Venkateswara Creations, is already behind Thank You. In the meantime, she will star alongside Gopichand in director Maruthi's Pakka Commercial.
Vikram Kumar directed the love drama Thank You. Previously, naga chaitanya collaborated with the filmmaker on manam (2014). The starring women are Raashi Khanna, Avika Gor, and malavika Nair. The concertmaster is S Thaman. dil Raju's production company, Sri Venkateswara Creations, is already behind Thank You. In the meantime, she will star alongside Gopichand in director Maruthi's Pakka Commercial.