The female oriented picture, featuring keerthi suresh as the movie's leading lady, revolves entirely around her. nagesh Kukunoor, a prominent director, makes his telugu speaking début with the film under examination. keerthi suresh portrayed Sakhi, a pamar in her hometown, in this movie. She is regarded as the village's grumpiest lady. She also has a natural talent for shooting. It's her close friend aadhi Pinisetti, also known as Goliraju. In the district, he is a Celebrity Theatre performer.

Other sources of leads Jagapathi Babu portrayed the role of a shooting instructor in the movie. He is, in reality, a former colonel who has returned to his birthplace in search of the best snipers. Goliraju, Sakhi's buddy, presents her to the captain. The colonel is pleased with her gun abilities and begins teaching her. The full story explains what happened during the practice, and whether Sakhi was successful in achieving her goal. Did she come out on top?

Nagesh, the filmmaker, has created a standard sports melodrama. In a sports film, solid feelings and unexpected twists are expected. However, the movie's emotive essence has been lost. There is no desire among the crowd to see whether keerthi succeeds or not. Due to this failure and pathetic response, the movie which should have been a Pan-Indian release will no longer have a tamil dubbed release.

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