Her business drama online series 11th hour, meantime, was unable to save her career. However, the actress's particular song Kodthe from ghani was published as a treat to our eyes. A group of individuals danced to the music but failed to create high energy feelings and whistles, while gorgeous Tamannah looked healthy in a sparkling attire. Currently, the actress is working on seven movies, including satya Dev's Gurthunda Seethakaalam, F3, That is Mahalakshmi, Bholaa Shankar, hindi flicks Bhole Chiduyan and Plan A Plan B, and a special song in Tamil's paris Paris.
Her movie That is Mahalakshmi was also delayed due to many circumstances, including her dissatisfaction with Masterchef Telugu, when she walked out as a host and was substituted by Anasuya. Tamannaah's career is at a crossroads, and she and her fans are eager to see some smashes. The true question is whether these Seven can make heaven for her.