Maharaja of the people ravi teja has avoided lip-locking sequences. The actor appears to have set aside his rule against on-screen kissing and chosen to kiss his female co-star. A photo of ravi teja cuddling Dimple Hayathi from the film khiladi was leaked and is now being widely circulated around. Furthermore, insiders claim that ravi teja has kissed both of the film's leading ladies.

He has romantic sequences with both Meenakshi Chaudhary and Dimple Hayathi in the film. Fans are in for a treat with these. The movie features Devi Sri Prasad's soundtrack and is directed by Ramesh Varma. With Pushpa's tremendous triumph, DSP is gaining ground. khiladi, produced by Koneru Satyanarayana, will be released on february 11th.

"As the things have changed, today there is a desire for creative programming, as the audience loves to see the film in its purest form," says an ecstatic Dr. Jayantilal Gada about the hindi release. Because the material of khiladi is so engaging, and because ravi teja is so well-known in India, Pen Studios decided that his film should be distributed in hindi theatres as well." Dr. Jayantilal Gada (Pen Studios) is presenting the film in collaboration with A Studios. In the Northern Region, the movie will be distributed by Pen Marudhar. khiladi (Hindi) will be released in theatres on february 11th, 2022.

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