Meenakshi Choudhari, a young female protagonist who is also a contestant in the famous Miss Indi contest, is heavily promoting her newest movie "Khiladi" in a big way. Due to Raviteja's absence from the movie's promotional events thus far, Meenakshi and Dimple have taken on the task of introducing the movie to the public.

While Meenkashi's responses are straightforward and to the point during press conferences, her charisma is unmistakable. When asked about the movie's lip kiss scene, she stated that she has no qualms about acting in such scenes if the script and character demand it. She also clarified the greatest misconception circulating in telugu cinema at the moment.

According to rumours, prabhas and his filmmaker prashant Neel were so taken with Meenakshi's tall features and contagious smile that they hired her for an unique role in the upcoming "Salaar." The actress, however, confirmed that she was not solicited for such a part and will not be playing one. For the time being, Salaar's sole lady is shruti Haasan, however a few of other hotties are expected to join. Now, the team has kept the movie on hold and the shooting is expected to resume sooner.

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