The creators and composer of rockstar Mahesh Babu's highly awaited film sarkaru vaari paata were taken aback when the film's first single, Kalaavathi, was leaked online. This compelled the team to release the music ahead of schedule. As a Valentine's Day special, a lyrical and unplugged rendition of Kalaavathi is now available.

With its pleasurable tune, terrific singing, and the scintillating chemistry of mahesh babu and Keerthy suresh, the song's promotion actually delighted. The poetic video transports us to another dimension, as S Thaman's composition is very captivating. Kalaavathi is without a doubt the melody of the year, and everyone will admit it after just one listen.

Of course, the legendary vocalist Sid sriram praised the track with his incredible voice. The lyrics of Ananta sriram are charming and among the greatest in recent memory. When it comes to the visuals, mahesh babu and Keerthy suresh dazzle with their on-screen chemistry. R Madhi, on the other hand, deserves praise for his outstanding camera work. parasuram is directing Sarkaaru Vaari Paata, which is billed as a family and action entertainer. The movie will release as planned on summer and there won't be any delays this time.

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