In the year 2020, kajal aggarwal married gautam Kitchlu, an industrialist. Since then, the pair has been sharing gorgeous images on social media that speak words about their close bond. Kajal shared another love snapshot with husband gautam on Valentine's Day, revealing that they have been together since 2012. Kajal wrote their most recent snapshot from their uae trip, "Since 2012, I've been bugging this sweetheart!
Every day is Valentine's Day." Kajal has successfully kept her relationship out of the spotlight for all these years. After over a decade of friendship, they chose to take their relationship seriously during the epidemic. Similarly, on january 2, gautham Kitchlu revealed his spouse Kajal Aggarwal's pregnancy by sharing a gorgeous snapshot of her. In a few weeks, the couple will give birth to a baby girl. Kajal will next be seen in the chiranjeevi starrer Acharya.
The movie, helmed by Siva koratala and starring ram charan and pooja hegde, will be released on april 1st. She also has dulquer salmaan and aditi rao hydari in the film Hey Sinamika. The much-anticipated tamil movie was supposed to hit theatres on february 25, but it has been pushed back until march 3.
Every day is Valentine's Day." Kajal has successfully kept her relationship out of the spotlight for all these years. After over a decade of friendship, they chose to take their relationship seriously during the epidemic. Similarly, on january 2, gautham Kitchlu revealed his spouse Kajal Aggarwal's pregnancy by sharing a gorgeous snapshot of her. In a few weeks, the couple will give birth to a baby girl. Kajal will next be seen in the chiranjeevi starrer Acharya.
The movie, helmed by Siva koratala and starring ram charan and pooja hegde, will be released on april 1st. She also has dulquer salmaan and aditi rao hydari in the film Hey Sinamika. The much-anticipated tamil movie was supposed to hit theatres on february 25, but it has been pushed back until march 3.