rashmika mandanna is well-known for her current focus on her bollywood profession. The pushpa actress has indeed inked bollywood movies, and there are rumours that she will sign a third. Yesterday, the actress was photographed in Mumbai. She dressed in a semi-formal attire for the occasion. The actress was dressed in an oversized satin blouse and loose trousers and looked as adorable as ever.

Rashmika Mandanna was recently sighted in bombay with screenwriter and entrepreneur karan Johar. The pair were photographed outside a downtown restaurant. rashmika mandanna wore a black gown, while karan johar wore a red hoodie. Following the sighting of the director and actress together, rumours began to circulate that the actress was in negotiations for her third hindi picture which will be aired sooner.

Unfortunately, no verification of the partnership has yet been received. rashmika Mandanna's appearance in a dharma film will be fascinating. Following the nationwide popularity of the Baahubali trilogy and pushpa, Northern audiences are eager to see Southern talents on the huge screen. rashmika who faced Oops moment earlier while sitting cross legged now faced a similar embarrassment in white satin shirt as she was flauting her inners.

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