Mega Star with Superpowers ram Charan's photo on social media went viral today, surprising netizens. The actor flaunted his new look, which he assumed was for his upcoming film with Shankar. RC15 is the working title for the film. Already, leaked stills revealed that the flashback sequences are now being axed in Rajmundry, and now we have ram Charan's new retro style for the plot set in the 1930s.

Charan wears a classic hairdo while wearing a white tee and black jeans. He brushed his hair sideways and away from his face, leaving it wavy and volumized at the back. For his dual role in RC15, the actor is said to be growing his hair out. In addition, the actor looked dashing with a Chevron mustache. The photos are just storming the internet and fans are praising ram Charna's new changeover completely for the looks itself.

The film's production is moving along quickly in Rajahmundry. The yet-to-be-titled film, helmed by Shankar, also stars Jayaram, Anjali, Sunil, naveen Chandra, Rahman, Srikanth, and others. Thirunavukarasu is in charge of cinematography, and Thaman is in charge of music. Sri Venkateswara Creations, owned by dil Raju, is the studio behind RC15.

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