In the thick of wedding speculations with Vijay Deverakonda, rashmika mandanna was photographed at the airport in yet another gorgeous ensemble. In basic jeans and an oversized hoodie, the actress went for a laid-back look. She finished the look with a backpack and boots. Underneath the black mask, the starlet didn't forget to show off her adorable smile.

The paparazzi observed rashmika mandanna at the bombay airport. Similarly, rashmika mandanna is making headlines due to rumours of her wedding to suspected boyfriend Vijay Deverakonda. rashmika mandanna is expected to marry shortly, according to the latest numbers. The couple is expected to marry later this year, according to rumours. rashmika and Vijay, on the other hand, have yet to discuss their connection.

Due to “ their connection in the successful movies geetha govindam and Dear Comrade, vijay deverakonda and rashmika mandanna are the most loved on-screen couple. Ever since, their admirers have been raving about their on-screen connection. The photographers have also caught the couple on their supper and brunch meetings. Vijay and rashmika recently spent New Year's Eve in goa altogether and the fire has already begun like a wildfire on the social networking sites.

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