Mahesh Babu's upcoming film starring trivikram srinivas, tentatively named SSMB28, is well-known. According to the current buzz surrounding the project, Chiyaan vikram will be a part of an ensemble. However, it appears that they are only rumours. Chiyaan Vikram's manager turned to social media to dismiss rumours that he might star in a mahesh babu film. The actor's camp has stated that vikram is not working with mahesh babu on any movie and that the rumours are false.

Dear friends, Chiyaan vikram is not collaborating with @urstrulyMahesh on any venture. The rumours that are spreading about this are false. Before reporting such news, I recommend that media outlets contact us for clarification. Regards," wrote his manager. After Mahesh Babu's ongoing venture sarkaru vaari paata is completed, SSMB28 is anticipated to go on floors. For this project, mahesh babu and trivikram srinivas are collaborating for the third time.

The leading lady will be pooja Hegde. s radhakrishna is directing the picture, which is produced by Haarika & Hassine Enterprises and presented by Smt Mamatha. In this case, now trisha has opted out of a web series as vikram has signed the project and as per sources things are not well between her and vikram and she doesn't want herself to get entangled to the actor by any means.

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