Rashmika Mandhanna's latest pictorial for hello magazine has her followers mesmerised. The starlet wore a deeper and solid A-line dipping neck pattern on the cover of the magazine. The gorgeous green gown features rich sequined work and a mid-section joint. She makes sensual stances while displaying her well-kept thick eyebrows, dewy face, and pink makeup. In gel-styled tresses and a light pink lip colour, the starlet slayed like a true diva.

Rashmika is also seen wearing a one-shoulder blouse in a similar material and colour. She completed the appearance with a luxury brand and small ear drops, and the dress includes one long bell sleeve. It's no surprise that this dress has raised the national crush quotient, and we can't take our gaze away from her! Rashmika's fierce face and small physique also captivated us. The starlet is about to rule bollywood as well, with Mission Maajnu scheduled to be her first film in the industry.

Rashmika also charmed us with her in a black faux leather costume with a halter neck and corset breast design. The photograph for hello magazine is just another example of her impeccable fashion sense and charisma.

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