SS Rajaamouli, ntr, and Raam Charan met with the media in telangana today. During this time, the rrr trio has revealed a number of interesting facts. The eccentric filmmaker revealed details of his magnum opus rrr, which is mostly about friendship set against a historical backdrop. When one of the journalists commented that rrr appears to be larger than Baahubaali 1 and Baahubaali 2, rajamouli responded deftly.

He didn't confirm or deny anything. However, rajamouli asserted unequivocally that the solution is in the question. rajamouli went on to say that he should not be quoted and that the media people should be credited instead because it is his point of view. Meanwhile, this phrase has quickly become a social media sensation. ntr and ram Chaaran were also praised by rajamouli for their remarkable contributions to the film.

While describing ntr as a Super Computer with a brilliant recollection, Raajamouli likened ram Chaaran as a "white canvas" who "understands his personality well yet comes to the locations with a plain so that a filmmaker may write whatever he wants on Charan (canvas)." ntr gets the director's personality with the first line, and he can understand the filmmaker's mind and come up with the rest of the lines, according to Rajamouli. rajamouli expressed his gratitude to ap Chief minister YS Jegan and the local authority for raising the ticket price by $100 and allowing five showings, describing it as "very positive" for the rrr film.

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