The movie's director SS Rajamouli, as well as lead actors Raam Charan and jr ntr, are vigorously marketing the movie across the nation ahead of its release. Both ntr and Raam Charan have given interviews to the film's song composer, MM Keeraavani, as part of these promos. At the same time, this conversation was incredibly fascinating and entertaining. The friendship between these three musicians was important in making this conversation a success.

When questioned about a composition by Keeravaani that he dislikes, ntr stated that he despises the song Bheemavaaram Bullodaa from the film Gharana Bullodu. He stated that, despite the song's success, he dislikes the lyrics. In response to the same query, Charan stated that he dislikes a recent music composed by Keeravaani but could not recall the name of the song. ntr then mentioned Charan's proclivity for forgetting things. He described how Charan used to mispronounce their scuba diving instructor's identity. tarak feared he was articulating the instructor's name incorrectly at one point.

Tarak also said that only Raajamouli's wife Raama and Keeravaani's wife Srivalli have the authority to chastise him. He claimed that his mother used to reprimand him in the past, but that she no longer does so since she dislikes scolding her son in front of his spouse.

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