Shraddha Kapoor has wowed her fans by transforming into the ideal "Marathi mulgi" for the momentous occasion of Gudi Padwaa. Kapoor wore a Banarsi saree with traditional dagina (jewelries), and her nath (nose ring) completed her ensemble perfectly. Shraddha Naaik, a make-up artist, shared a video of Kapoor getting prepared for the day and making her way directly into her followers' affections.

Naik liked assisting Kapoor in perfecting Gudi Padwa's appearance, so she shared the footage with the description, "I had a lot of fun putting this look together for Shraddie. We chose a flawless shine on the complexion, flick eyeliner, and a tint on the lips to create this Marathi mulgi look!" The clip was uploaded with Apsara Aali's soundtrack, which is in line with Shraddha's style. Several of Kapoor's followers poured out their love and appreciation for her efforts to look truly traditional as soon as Naik shared the film. "She's very Gorgeous," one user added.

"Honestly.. She is princess of beauty... u just can't ignore," another person said. "Mala Ved laagle," a netizen said on Aashiqui 2 actress's appearance. "My Marathi queen," said another of Kapoor's lovers. Another admirer has been taken by her appearance, and he stated, "She's just stunning. I'm at a loss for words to describe her beauty."

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