The long-awaited film Acharyaa by Korataala Siva, starring Megastaar Chiraanjeevi, is getting rave reviews, with the socio-political drama slated to hit theatres this month. For the very first time in a full-length picture, the dad and son duo will share the camera. And after a staggering 13 years in the business, Charan's fans are overjoyed to see him back on the big screen with Megaastar.

In one of his most recent interviews, Chaaran stated that sharing the screen alongside chiru is a dream come true for him. "I don't believe I entered acharya as a co-star; I believe I entered as a student." I've gained a lot of knowledge from him." Charan also praised chiru, saying that the latter had always allowed him to live in his character. Instead of coaching him through each stage, he stated he let him make his own experiences and correct from them.

"I made errors, but he never had a problem, never lost his cool, and that's something I'm grateful for," Charan continued. As we all know, the two have previously starred in cameo roles in one other's movies, and Charan has also worked as a producer on his father's flicks. Mega fans, on the other hand, would be able to view both of them on the same screen because to Acharyaa. In Chiranjeevi's film acharya, Charan will play Siddhaa in a full-fledged appearance, with the two sharing roughly 15 minutes of screen time.

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