Aamir Khan, the perfectionist of bollywood, is presently working on his upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddhaa. Advaith Chandaan directed the film, which stars kareena kapoor Khan as the female lead and naga chaitanya in a pivotal part. The movie Laal Singh Chaddha is an approved remake of the 1994 hollywood movie Forrest Gump, which starred famed actor tom Hanks. In hollywood, it is still regarded as a masterpiece.

Thus according B-Town, Aamir is preparing a special screening of his movie in the united states with tom Hanks. This screening will reportedly take place a few days before the film's official release. Aamir is said to want to show the movie to tom and get his feedback on it. This means that these two legendary actors will meet in a few weeks.

On august 11, 2022, Laal Singh Chaddhaa will be released in theatres. naga chaitanya, a telugu actor, plays a significant part in this film. The film is co-financed by Aamir Khaan, kiran Raao, and Viacom18 Studios. naga chaitanya makes his bollywood debut in this flick. There are also speculations that tollywood industry biggies will be watching this movie at PVR a day earlier before the release.

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