With director Ram Gopal Varma's Dangerous film set to release on april 8, many theaters have refused to buy the film as it is a lesbian film. But, the video of ram gopal varma holding the actress' waist and hugging and kissing the actress at the party without any worries about it has sparked a stir.
Intimacy with heroines
Controversial director ram gopal varma is getting close with the heroines whether he is making a movie or not. He directed a lesbian story titled Dangerous, in which he grabs the hips of the glamorous actresses naina ganguly and Apsara rani and gives them intimate poses.
Promoshana Ullasa Dora
Director ram gopal varma has cast both the actresses in extreme pornographic scenes in the film Dangerous. That is why they say that no one has refused to buy the film. Also, in the name of promotion, the two actresses were invited to several cities and hit the tour.
Director ram gopal varma celebrates his 60th birthday on april 7. Photos of the two actresses attending an intimate affair with director ram gopal varma at a birthday party have caused a stir on social media. Apsara has hugged the queen with a cargo glass in her hand and posed like that.
The actress who kissed
Actress naina ganguly hugs and kisses director ram gopal varma at her birthday party ram gopal varma is also seen hugging naina Ganguly's waist tight In that video, the fans who saw it have been making disgusting comments.
No worries
Is director ram gopal varma a little worried that Dangerous will never be released? netizens are planning to party with the actresses who starred in the film. Is all this commonplace for ram gopal varma at the party? Pakir is excited about what he would have done in the shooting.