(Ranbir Kpoor) news of alia Bhatt's wedding has spread all over Evana. Along with the uninvited guests, uninvited guests also came and stood near Ranbir's Vastu building in Bandra. Everyone wants to experience the splendor of Ranbir-Alia's wedding. Therefore, near 'Vastu', one can see Toba crowded. It shows the media scrambling to get a photo of every guest coming to the wedding. He is seen running behind the oncoming vehicles, trying to capture a photo-video. 

The 'Vastu' building on Pali Hill in Bandra where Ranbir lives or its surroundings is mostly a part of the aristocracy. So, of course, not only the wedding party but also the big cars of the residents who live there. However, the residents of Vastu lodged a complaint with the Pali Hill Residents Association after the last four or five days of media frenzy and fuss over photography near the building and the association sought the help of the police.

The residents have lodged a complaint against the media. The media runs behind the car to take photos of the wedding guests, they never see if there are guests in the car or the occupants and start taking photos. The complaint also states that the media is afraid of the manner in which it attacks the oncoming vehicle.

After hearing the complaint, Fera's secretary first confirmed it. And then I have to resort to the police as there is no other way to deal with it. He said, "We had a meeting in the lobby of Vastu regarding this complaint. We also invited some members of the company who were arranging the wedding at that time. 

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