Buttabomma pooja hegde made her telugu entry with the movie 'Oka laila Kosam' starring naga Chaitanya. The film 'Mukunda' which was made after that did not seem to matter to some extent. Until then there is no big craze for pooja. When she appeared in a bikini in the swimming pool in the movie 'DJ Duvvada Jagannatham', the selling horoscope in tollywood had just changed.
Created by harish shankar as the bunny hero, the film turned pooja Hegde's career around in telugu at O Range. Back-to-back crazy offers are scarce regardless of success Failure. There was such a craze in telugu that pooja hegde was shocked after agreeing to some of those films. Dates dropped the issue and said ok again at the last minute. However, our people are still chasing pooja Hegde.
Pooja is happily doing the third item song and Nettinta pooja is chanting. Recently, pooja co-starred with tamil star hero Vijay in 'Beast'. The film was released on april 13 and became Flap Talk.
It is learned that pooja hegde has recently agreed to do an item song on 'F3'. pooja, who demanded a huge reward for the song, has been involved in song shooting since Friday. The latest photos of victory venkatesh doing a pooja item song with varun Tej have come out. These shots have gone viral right now. netizens who saw these photos are promoting pooja as the third item song. This means that the first song in 'Rangasthalam' is the first song in 'Beast' and the second song in 'F3' is the third song that is being trolled.
It is learned that pooja hegde, who had advertised during the movie that there would be a date issue for Mahesh - trivikram to act in the film, has given the green signal to Mahesh movie again after that. pooja hegde has recently said that Radheshyam Beast is the film to give the green signal to the special item song in 'F3'. As these two huge films flop back and forth, there are comments that pooja has given the green signal to a special song like samantha to divert that attention.