The biggest film from tamil cinema this week is Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kaadhal, featuring Vijay Sethupathy, Nayantara, and samantha, which just opened today. The samantha Ruth Prabhu-starrer has been getting a ton of buzz, and movie bookings have already begun in a number of locations. In Chennai, early hours viewing of the film have also been organised. Vignesh Shivan, the film's director, guarantees an intriguing love story with a sense of comedy, and fans are looking forward to seeing it on the big screen.

While the comedy occasionally veers toward the puerile, the film's subject matter ensures that the humour remains thoughtful and cerebral for the most part. The performances are fantastic, and not simply because of the hilarious timing. vijay sethupathi appears to be built for this type of balanced character, as he realises that he needs to mature in order to face the obstacles of relationships, while sam is as good as ever, with nayantara trailing behind.

The VJS&VS scenes include some of the greatest lines in the film, but their comedy is well balanced with that emotional depth we described earlier, making the characters far more than punchline machines, which greatly enhances the film. Even the sombre, emotional passages are peppered with sardonic, bittersweet humour, which adds to the characters' reality while also making the film more comfortable and reassuring. And of course, Anirudh is the backbone and the saviour of the movie yet again with some thumping tunes and also melodious ones.

Overall, A Very Simple Story is made into an Entertaining Comedy

Ratings: 3.5/5

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