samantha is a close friend of Vijay Deverakonda, the attractive hunk of Tollywood. Following the release of Mahanti in 2018, the team will once again get the opportunity to work together in their forthcoming project. Meanwhile, VD recently turned a year older and is enjoying a lavish birthday celebration. He even hosted a big party for his teammates and samantha, and we could see them becoming closer and closer.

Sam captioned a photo of the actor with a text wishing him a good birthday. "Happy birthday #LIGER @TheDeverakondaa," she posted. You are deserving of all the love and gratitude that will be showered upon you this year. It's very encouraging to see you work the way you do. God's blessings." samantha also heap praises suddenly like anything on the actor and most of them feel that something's cooking between them.

Vijay Deverakonda, who is currently shooting in kashmir for shiva Nirvana's forthcoming love flick VD11 with samantha, has celebrated his birthday on site. In his chiselled frame, the actor looked dashing, while sam looked beautiful in a denim jacket. The sets have also been adorned to commemorate VD's birthday on the special occasion.

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