For quite some time, there has been much speculation about the second heroine who will star in Nandamuri Balakrishna's upcoming film, directed by gopichand malineni of the 'Krack' fame. While shruti haasan has already joined the film as a leading lady, giving both the gorgeous glamour and the star draw, the news is now out.
The makers of #NBK107, provisionally titled 'Anna Gaaru,' have attempted to recruit senior star meera jasmine as the film's second heroine. meera has recently returned to acting and is attracting filmmakers with her sultry instagram photoshoots. Despite her advanced age, the actress appears to be uninterested in mature roles and prefers to undertake attractive work. And she is correct in her desires.
Finally, honey rose Varghese has been cast as the leading lady to accompany Balayya's second character in the film, which is a father role as a staunch factionist. This Mallu beauty first emerged as Sivaji's heroine in the telugu film "Aalayam" around 15-18 years ago and went on to star in a few more telugu films. She has made a reputation for herself in Malayalam, but she has yet to establish herself in Tollywood. honey rose will now be Balayya's second heroine in the film, and she will be seen dancing to a song in a flashback episode.
The makers of #NBK107, provisionally titled 'Anna Gaaru,' have attempted to recruit senior star meera jasmine as the film's second heroine. meera has recently returned to acting and is attracting filmmakers with her sultry instagram photoshoots. Despite her advanced age, the actress appears to be uninterested in mature roles and prefers to undertake attractive work. And she is correct in her desires.
Finally, honey rose Varghese has been cast as the leading lady to accompany Balayya's second character in the film, which is a father role as a staunch factionist. This Mallu beauty first emerged as Sivaji's heroine in the telugu film "Aalayam" around 15-18 years ago and went on to star in a few more telugu films. She has made a reputation for herself in Malayalam, but she has yet to establish herself in Tollywood. honey rose will now be Balayya's second heroine in the film, and she will be seen dancing to a song in a flashback episode.