Vikram, Kamal Haasan's long-awaited film, was released just a few days ago. This action thriller, directed by lokesh kanagaraj, stars Fahadh Faasil and vijay sethupathi in important roles. vikram got off to a great start in tamil Nadu. It has now become the state's third highest opening day grosser. The first two slots are occupied by Ajith's valimai and Vijay's Beast. Despite having massive starts, iconic actor Kamal failed to break ajith and Vijay's records.

Valimai is this year's largest opening day grosser among tamil films, according to kollywood trade reports, with earnings of Rs.36.17 crores on the first day. The following films are Beast (Rs.26.40 crore), Vikram (Rs.20.61 crore), ET (Rs.15.21 crore), rrr (Rs.12.73 crore), Don (Rs.9.47 crore), and kgf 2 (Rs.8.24 crore). The movie also had a solid opening weekend and this could be the biggest for Kamal in the past five years.

In reality, vikram proved to be Kamal Haasan's finest opening in the state of tamil Nadu. He can establish many more milestones in the coming days if he continues to engage with young directors on fascinating subjects. vikram also performed well in telugu states, with a reported box office gross of Rs. 3.70 crores (Rs. 1.96 crore share).

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