The critically acclaimed film 'Major,' directed by Adivi Sesh, had a spectacular debut weekend. The film earned Rs 35.6 crore in its first three days, breaking the breakeven barrier and becoming Tollywood's sixth clean hit of the year, according to buzz analysts. Sesh is ecstatic about the box office results, but he's doing something different on social media. Sesh usually doesn't disclose his movie collections, but this time he does, and he explains why.

"I'm often asked why I'm promoting #Major's incredible collections. That #Major isn't your typical movie. TWO MILLION people saw and enjoyed #MajorSandeepUnnikrishnan's narrative. That is why I brought it up. To let you know how many people's hearts he's touched. "#IndiaLovesMajor," Sesh explained. Meanwhile, Cinemark theaters have gifted the USA audience and are selling tickets for a meager amount of just $5

The response from international audiences has been positive, and 'Major' has entered the profit zone in the United States. All parties engaged in film distribution are ecstatic, and they must make a respectable profit until the next big release. With the release of Jurassic Park Dominion this weekend, the film's run is anticipated to come to an end.

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