Last night, malavika mohanan shared photos from her birthday celebration. malavika appears lovely as ever in the photos wearing a black dress with a high split in the middle. Kartik Aaryan, the heartthrob of Bollywood, rapper Baadshah, Anurag Kashyap, and Makkal Selvan were among the famous people present at the event. Aditya Mohanan, Vijay Sethupathi, and others.
Kartik donned a casual t-shirt with a red shirt over it and blue jeans, while the actress wore a black one-shoulder bodycon dress with a thigh slit. Vijay Sethupathi, on the other hand, wore a white shirt with blue jeans, while badshah wore all-black clothing. They all grinned broadly as they posed with the birthday girl. Malavika's next role will be in Vijay Deverakonda's next film "Hero," which is expected to be released in theatres later this year.