A bike race story written for ajith went to Vijay..!?

The story, which was entirely written with actor ajith in mind, went to Thalapathy Vijay without telling him a thing and became a hit. Recently, the director of the film opened up and shared this matter in public. Although actor Vijay came to the cinema at a young age, he also started acting as a hero when he made his debut in Ajith's film. There was a healthy rivalry between them. They also have their own fans. ajith and Vijay fans are the ones who have the most contests and fights on social media to date.
Even though both of them have progressed gradually at the same time, Ajith's films are facing many slippages as compared to actor Vijay's, and none of them have had subsequent hits like Vijay's. ajith is acting in his 61st film under director Vinod. After the completion of this film, there are official reports that director Vignesh Shivan will act in the direction. Similarly, Vijay is also acting in Varisu directed by director Vamsi after his Beast. The next film is expected to be with director Lokesh Kanagaraj.In this situation, the director of Vijay's film revealed new information that no one knew in his interview. Usually, there is a story where one actor refuses to act and it goes to another actor and it gets success. But in this case, the story written for ajith has gone to Vijay without telling Ajith.
It is a known fact that actor ajith is a bike racer. In the 2012 film Mangaatha, Ajith's bike race is similar to the bike racing scene. But before this, ajith has such a story ready, that is Vijay starrer Thirumalai which was celebrated as a super hit.
Thirumalai is a 2003 movie directed by Ramana. Vijay, Jyothika, Vivek, Kausalya, Raghuvaran, and many others have acted in it. In this, Vijay will play a bike mechanic and his debut scene will focus on bike racing. In a recent interview, director ramana said that this story was written for ajith and some people prevented him from telling it to Ajith. Then this story went to actor Vijay. This movie starring actor Vijay was a huge success and to celebrate this success actor ajith called ramana and congratulated him. It was at that moment that ramana told the truth that this film was written for you, which came as a huge shock to actor Ajith. Even though Vijay and ajith fans have been fighting each other on social media, neither ajith nor Vijay have spoken disparagingly or frowned at each other in any place. Both of them don't like it when their fans fight on social media while they appreciate their civilized friendship.

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