The Sukumar-helmed movie pushpa The Rise starring allu arjun has achieved phenomenal success. The movie, which was about red sandalwood smuggling, became the biggest box office hit of 2021 and is estimated to have made an astounding Rs 350 Crores worldwide. The transformation of allu arjun into a Coolie and his ascent to the status of a don have profoundly moved the general public. The movie truly astounded the hindi viewers.
The songs of devi sri prasad topped the charts. allu arjun became a star in all of india because to the movie. All eyes are on pushpa 2, also known as Pushpa: The Rule. Today's puja ritual marked the official start of Pushpa: The Rule for its creators. This morning at 8:15 am, the movie debuted. This film is being made by movie MAKERS' target='_blank' title='mythri movie makers-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>mythri movie makers in collaboration with sukumar Writings. Soon, regular shooting will begin. rashmika will play Srivalli again in the sequel, and DSP will once again compose the soundtrack for the picture.
According to reports, the sequel's filming was scheduled to start some time ago, but director sukumar was working on the script after Pushpa: The Rule - Part 1's popularity. On monday morning, the puja ritual for Pushpa: The Rule was held. The highly anticipated "Pushpa The Rule: Part 2" pooja ritual began today at 8:15 a.m. by the film's creators. The impending blockbuster sequel is authored by Sukumar, and movie MAKERS' target='_blank' title='mythri movie makers-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>mythri movie makers is in charge of producing it. Filming will start soon.
The songs of devi sri prasad topped the charts. allu arjun became a star in all of india because to the movie. All eyes are on pushpa 2, also known as Pushpa: The Rule. Today's puja ritual marked the official start of Pushpa: The Rule for its creators. This morning at 8:15 am, the movie debuted. This film is being made by movie MAKERS' target='_blank' title='mythri movie makers-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>mythri movie makers in collaboration with sukumar Writings. Soon, regular shooting will begin. rashmika will play Srivalli again in the sequel, and DSP will once again compose the soundtrack for the picture.
According to reports, the sequel's filming was scheduled to start some time ago, but director sukumar was working on the script after Pushpa: The Rule - Part 1's popularity. On monday morning, the puja ritual for Pushpa: The Rule was held. The highly anticipated "Pushpa The Rule: Part 2" pooja ritual began today at 8:15 a.m. by the film's creators. The impending blockbuster sequel is authored by Sukumar, and movie MAKERS' target='_blank' title='mythri movie makers-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>mythri movie makers is in charge of producing it. Filming will start soon.