The shooting for Dhamaka, the first collaboration project between Trinadha Rao Nakkina and ravi Teja, is nearing its conclusion. Actress Sreeleela, well known for her role in Pelli SandaD, is the lead in the film, which is expected to be a big-budget action comedy with family-friendly themes. On the auspicious occasion of Vinayaka Chavithi, a trailer for the film has been released.

It depicts ravi teja romantically inviting Sreeleela, who plays his love interest, to a wedding. She initially rejects, but after witnessing his plight, she agrees. The video is overly sentimental. Pucca Dhamaka A small excerpt from the romantic portion of ravi Teja's pleasant commercial comedy is shown here. Soon, the movie's teaser will be made public. The movie is being directed by karthik Ghattamaneni, with music composed by Bheems Ceciroleo, and is being produced by TG vishwa Prasad.

At the same time, some of the netizens even trolled by saying that ravi teja looks too old and the pair looks like father and daughter and how can you call this as romantic as they dont' seem even by a mile. Already, social media is trending with lots of trolls against tollywood in recent times.

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