General Maharaja Dhamaka, a big-budget action film starring ravi teja and directed by Trinadha Rao Nakkine, is getting ready to hit theatres as production work is almost finished. The team just launched musical marketing with the release of its first single, which quickly became a chartbuster. A lovely sneak peek was just released by the creators. In the footage, ravi teja can be seen flirting with Sreeleela at a wedding.

Even though she's hesitant to meet him in person, she ultimately agrees. ravi teja displays his skill in his act to persuade Sreeleela, who looks lovely in a traditional yellow dress. The glance makes it clear that the film will also feature a healthy dose of romance. In the next trailer, which will feature ravi teja in a dynamic character, viewers may expect to see that aspect of the film. Large-scale production of the TG vishwa Prasad-produced movie is underway. The movie's soundtrack was composed by Bheems Ceciroleo.

Sree Leela, a kannada beauty, has been cast as the film's female lead by the producers. The 19-year-old beauty recently mentioned in an interview that she is eager to collaborate with Ravi. Sri Leela claimed that she has always loved to watch movies starring ravi Teja. This movie will have a good comedic element to it, just like the majority of his movies. Leela explained that her character is a nice, down-to-earth girl from next door. However, ravi teja is being mocked online for dating such a young child.

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