'Liger,' which was anticipated to be the year's largest commercial success, ended up becoming the worst flop of the last ten years. It is no secret that the movie, which was sold for more over 90 crores, was a disaster from day two itself and couldn't even recoup one-third of its cost. Deficits were noted starting on Monday, indicating that no collections could have been added to the movie.

And regrettably, the movie has only recouped 25% of that. It appears that puri jagan is the only person to blame for this. With a celebrity like Vijay, he could have made an unremarkable movie and it would have been successful. Nobody anticipates puri to provide a riveting thriller. Everyone anticipated a masala formulaic film with Puri's punch in it given his filmography, but he wasn't even able to hit his own mark.

The movie would have been at least a sleeper hit if the heroine had been rewritten and the mike tyson episode had been redone with a simple adversary who becomes a bitter impediment for Liger's journey. All the publicity the team created only served to aid in the purchase of tickets. puri had the responsibility of entertaining the theatregoers, but he utterly failed to do so. The outcome today would have been different had puri shown even the tiniest bit of care and concern for the movie.

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