Recently, Powerstar pawan kalyan celebrated his birthday, therefore the "Hari Hara Veera Mallu" crew has given all Powerstar fans out there a birthday gift. The film's creators wished Pawan a happy birthday while sharing a brand-new poster of him. Advance birthday wishes to our "Valorous Charioteer of Truth & Virtue" #HariHaraVeeraMallu Sri @PawanKalyan garu," Pawan said on the poster, which featured him riding a chariot.

Director krish Jagarlamudi's acclaimed heroic outlaw film, "HHMV," is legendary. The movie is based on some historical occurrences, and krish is renowned for telling viewers the unseen stories. Pawan Kalyan's beard and attire are utterly novel in this appearance, and it's a joy for his admirers to see him in such a vicious role.

The film's shooting is not progressing as quickly as planned because of Pawan's political commitments, but director krish is certain that the movie will be released in theatres. The protagonist of "HHMV" is nidhi Agerwal, and keeravani is the music director. The next Telugu-language action-adventure movie hari Hara Veera Mallu was written and directed by krish Jagarlamudi. The movie, which stars pawan kalyan in the title character along with Nidhhi Agerwal, arjun Rampal, and nargis Fakhri, tells the story of renowned bandit Veera Mallu.

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