JGM is the director puri Jagannadh's most ambitious project, which he intended to produce on a big scale over all of India. JGM also enlisted Vijay Deverakonda, who played the lead role in Liger. mumbai hosted a big premiere of the film. After Liger was released, they intended to start the filming in its entirety. Sadly, Liger is turning out to be a failure, and the unexpected outcome caused puri to reconsider making JGM. puri, who is also one of the film's producers, has come to a logical decision and temporarily shelved the project.

Evidently, he believes that, in light of the Liger fiasco, it is not appropriate to produce the film. There won't be the same buzz that Liger had before its outcome, for sure. In addition, JGM requires a far larger investment than Liger. Therefore, JGM won't be Puri's next endeavour. The specifics of his upcoming endeavour would be revealed later.

Liger was essentially one of the most anticipated films of the year, but it couldn't live up to the astronomical pre-release anticipation. After the Liger trailer's positive reception, vijay deverakonda and ananya Panday vigorously promoted the movie, going above and beyond, and everything they touched and did turned out good. Nevertheless, despite all, the Liger movie's box office earnings had a weak start and thereafter rapidly declined. Now that distributors and exhibitors are reportedly requesting money more frequently, we hear that Vijay and director puri jagannadh are skipping their fees.

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