The PS1 teaser was recently unveiled at a significant event. The major assets of the film are its celebrity cast, grandeur, soundtrack by AR Rahman, and director Mani Ratnam. After the trailer was released, anticipation for the PS1 increased. The telugu audience didn't seem to be as enthusiastic as the tamil audience, but dil raju will ensure that PS1 receives a huge release in telugu as well. Although PS1 appears to have everyone's support, there are a number of tensions building up.

On the same day as PS1, the bollywood film vikram Vedha, starring hrithik roshan and Saif ali Khan, would be released. vikram Vedha has its own benefits despite being a remake of a South Asian film. hrithik roshan is returning to the film after a three-year absence, and it is already performing well in the North. vikram Vedha is rumoured to be acquiring a significant number of multiplex screens in telugu states as well. In cities like Pune, Mumbai, and Delhi, PS1's nativity problem could become a problem.

In the North, PS1's star-studded ensemble, which includes aishwarya Rai, is a selling feature, but vikram Vedha still has the advantage. In addition, Dhanush's Nane Varuven is scheduled to be released on the same day as PlayStation 1. The team behind Dhanush's most recent movie Thiru is moving swiftly to capitalise on the Thiru fever after it became a hit with more over 100 cr in box office receipts. Selva Raghavan, the director of Nane Varuven, has a distinct fan base worldwide, and PS1's speed may be compromised. The Godfather and The Ghost, which come out the following week, will steal the show if PS1 doesn't generate blockbuster buzz.

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