Fans of tollywood superstar mahesh babu started the re-release trend. The re-release of pokiri and okkadu by the fans to mark Mahesh's birthday serves as the official start of the festivities. Later, gharana mogudu was re-released to the delight of Chiranjeevi's fans, while jalsa and okkadu were re-released to the delight of Pawan Kalyan's fans. It's balakrishna Nandamuri's turn now. The fans decided to rerelease Chenna keshava reddy in theatres all over the world to celebrate the movie's 20th anniversary of release. Release day for the movie was september 25th, 2022.

It's remarkable that the actor's admirers in the USA are preparing more than 25 performances of a failed movie two decades after its debut. Up until this point, the supporters of chiranjeevi, Pawan Kalyan, and mahesh babu chose only successful films for re-release, but for the first time, Balakrishna's supporters took the risky step of re-releasing a failed movie. This time, the followers of balakrishna are doing things differently.

Back in the day, megastar Chiranjeevi's indra was a runaway success upon release. For Chenna keshava reddy, balakrishna and Vinayak worked together to smash box office records. Even though the movie did poorly at the box office, fans still enjoy many of the scenes. The film's re-release is being celebrated in style by the USA fans as well. We need to find out if they are holding rallies to commemorate Balakrishna's birthday as usual.

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