In june of this year, Nayanthara and vignesh shivan were married. On social media, Vignesh posted some beautiful images of the pair during their honeymoon in Spain. The couple is presently residing in Dubai, where they recently attended a birthday celebration for the director with friends and family. On instagram, Vignesh posted images and videos from the event. Meanwhile, the filmmaker's post has fans wondering if he and Nayan are about to become parents.

On his instagram story, Vignesh shared a photo of himself with a few youngsters along with the caption, "SOME KIDS TIME...PRACTICE FOR THE FUTURE." Everyone is now speculating that Nayan is already pregnant or that they are going to become parents as a result of the filmmaker's statement.

Both Nayan and Vignesh are working on some intriguing projects in the interim. The films Godfather, Connect, Gold, Jawan, Iraivan, and Lady Superstar 75 will all feature Nayanthara. Nayanthara will make her bollywood debut with the film Jawan, which also features Shah Rukh Khan in the lead role. The actress' upcoming film, Godfather, which also has salman khan in a cameo, stars chiranjeevi in the title role. The movie is scheduled for release on october 5th, 2022, and Nayanthara's first look poster was just published a few days ago.

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