niharika konidela is making an effort to establish her unique identity through her films and shorts. The young actor-producer previously captivated us in a blue costume while portraying Gangubai Kathiawadi at a recent costume party. niharika konidela sat for her most recent picture shoot wearing a blue dress, and she looked absolutely stunning. "Dance to your own rhythm!" is Niharika's comment for the photos.

Well, the photographs received a tonne of likes and comments. Sushmita konidela referred to her as "Gorgeous," and lavanya tripathi termed her "Cutie." For a costume party, konidela -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>niharika konidela dressed as alia Bhatt's most recent and well-known character, Gangu Bhai from the hit movie Gangubai Kathiawadi. She posted a number of images in and as Gangu, and we have to say, she killed it.

Niharika did a good job of emulating alia Bhatt's Gangu, down to the large bindi. social media is currently exploding with this post. Even her large family, including sister Sushmitha, Allu Arjun's wife Sneha, and others, left comments on the article. niharika posted the images and video to instagram with the caption, "Channeling Gangu. And if you didn't already know, I absolutely adore costume parties. Please disregard the monkeys in the previous video that are behind me. She is joined by her spouse chaitanya Jonnalagadda in the video. In a romantic and opulent wedding in udaipur in 2021, niharika wed chaitanya JV.

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