Anupama Parameswaran's career was transformed by one movie. anupama parameswaran is receiving additional offers as a result of "Karthikeya 2's" success across all of India. She has now joined "DJ Tillu 2," which has started the regular shooting, as the lead actress. The highly successful film "DJ Tillu" has a sequel, "DJ Tillu 2." The movie's star, Siddu Jonnalagadda, plays the lead. vimal Krishna was the director of the first movie. But owing to disagreements, the director pulled out of the follow-up.

Mallik Ram, who previously directed the movies "Naruda Donaruda" and "Adbutham," is now helming the sequel. Anupama is taking on the second role that neha shetty did in the original. anupama parameswaran allegedly received a bomb to play the lead role. In this comedy-thriller, siddhu Jonnalagadda and Anupama will appear in some steamy scenes.

Anupama Parameswaran lives by the maxim "Make hay while the sun shines." Sources claim that she is strictly according to instructions. anupama parameswaran is turning down film offers that don't comply with her desire for increased pay. Rumor has it that she recently rejected down two projects as the producers baulked at paying her large salary. anupama parameswaran gained notoriety seven years ago with "Premam" and "A Aa," and she has since appeared in a number of telugu movies.

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