Actor Mammootty's response to the Srinath Bhasi issue is based on late wisdom, says producer and Philly Exhibitors Association president Liberty Basheer. Liberty Basheer was speaking in Asianet News' news Hour discussion. He also openly stated that mammootty did not help when Tilak and his collaborators were banned earlier.

 Liberty Basheer also responded that his theater was closed for six months for supporting Vinayan when the issue came up. His words are,

Mammooka is late prudence. Because nine years ago Tilak and those acting in Tilak's film faced a ban. He got the chance to act in only a few films before his death. We have often discussed the matter of Vinayan. At that time, because there was an organization called Federation, Vinayan was holding on and later I struggled for it organizationally that we would play Vinayan's picture. My theater had to be closed for six months. At that time, Mammooka did not intervene despite going as far as possible to compromise something.

Now when Mammooka intervened in this matter, where did Mammooka go then? What now came to Mammooka was a special understanding. This is wrong. In the case of this Vinayan, there are many people like that in the case of Tilak. Ranjith has also been banned after taking a picture of Ranjith. He has known Mammooka for years. We do not respond to normal journalists or channels on such matters. Mammooka responded with some misfortune and left. They don't care what happened in the Producers Association and whether they complained or apologized to them. They have received complaints from Kandaman producers against Srinath Bhasi. Not acting correctly, taking advance and asking more There are many complaints like this.

It's just that they grabbed him when they got this one chance. It is only temporary. The ban will be lifted automatically once the pending films are released. No doubt about it. Otherwise, Srinath Bhasi will not be banned from time to time. Now there are six films to complete. Do not finish it and make new pictures. Srinath Bhasi now has a chance to make a good move. It will remove the ban automatically after finishing these pictures. A police case can be withdrawn only if the magistrate intervenes. If the court says otherwise, the case cannot be removed. There is discrimination everywhere, be it artists or technicians. That's not to say it isn't.

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