Satya priya (Nayanthara) and Jaidev (Satya Dev), the deceased chief minister's daughter and son-in-law, decided to lead the party and the government after his death. Unaware of her husband's true nature, Satya priya that Jaidev be named the new party leader, but MLAs and party members reject her suggestion in favour of Brahma (Chiranjeevi), the late CM's stepson. 

Brahma is hated by Satya priya, who wants to prevent him from attending the event. Jaidev plans to use the funding from a mumbai don to purchase every MLA. When Jaidev is elected as the state's chief executive, the mumbai mafia don requests permission to establish a drug production business in the state. The rest of the story is about how Brahma plays his game and protects his sister Satya priya and the state from Jaidev's plots.

Chiranjeevi, a megastar, portrayed a character that suited his image and age. Additionally, he looks more as he does in real life. When chiranjeevi speaks little and instead conveys his acting through body language, he is highly successful. This was the megastar's first part in a movie without a female love interest. Despite good reviews, Godfather is struggling to beat PS-1 at USA Box-Office. Even on the 2nd week, PS-1 supremacy is way ahead!

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