Many people were shocked when gopichand malineni confirmed the other day that Balayya's Veer simha Reddy will be hitting the screens during the Sankranthi holiday. Because two telugu blockbusters, Waltair Veerayya, starring megastar, and Adipurush, starring Prabhas, are already dominating the box office during the same festival. Then, though, we learn that #Mega154 and #NBK107 are both aware of the release.

Despite being the first movie to be announced for Sankranthi, #Mega154, Prabhas' Adipurush quickly entered the fray. Later, #NBK107 was slated to open in theatres for dasara 2022, but Covid caused the release to be postponed. Later, they gained momentum, but this was only in time for the december release. But according to reports, balayya advised his producers to release the movie on Sankranthi because the festive period may be extremely beneficial to the movie.

Since the same production company is behind both #Mega154 and #NBK107, Mythri movie Makers claims to have spoken with megastar chiranjeevi about the release date and received the megastar's support. According to a recent update, the producers plan to release both of their films two days apart on january 10th and 12th. Even though both movies won't be released for almost 3 months, the date conflict is attracting more attention than anticipated.

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