Yuvann, the son of Maniesh Paul, recently said that he had met cricketer Virat Kohli. Maniesh Paul shared an instagram photo of the group along with a touching remark. Maniesh's post's caption read, "My kid Yuvann had a very special day today. He adores Virat... He left his football class and ran to meet him when he heard that I was shooting with him. The instant he noticed Virat, I could see the glint in his eyes. Thank you, my brother, @virat.kohli, for the kindness..."

He also wrote: "Yuvann will always cherish his first encounter with his cricketing idol. He is much more fixated on the games when you are playing right now. I admired his support for india during the game against Pakistan. That's the result, Virat! god bless you and keep motivating future generations."

Amitabh Bachchan has a significant relation to Maniesh Paul's diwali celebrations. He visits Big B every year around diwali to ask for his blessings. Maniesh recently met the megastar and received his blessings as part of the ceremony. Maniesh posted a message on instagram with a dedication to Amitabh, saying, "And that's how my diwali starts. been a tradition for a very long time. It's tradition for me to first ask @amitabhbachchan sir for his diwali blessings before I depart for delhi to celebrate at my residence. bas.

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