After a three-year absence, sirish -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>allu sirish is making a comeback with the romantic comedy Urvasivo Rakshasivo, starring Anu Emmanuel. The Urvasivo Rakshasivo trailer, which was directed by Rakesh Sashi, drew viewers in with its close-up lip-lock peeks and a hint of humour without giving away the main point. Regular boy next door sree Kumar (Allu Sirish) comes from a middle-class family.

When sree develops feelings for a colleague named Sindhuja (Anu Emmanuel), who is pursuing her ambition of opening a restaurant in Paris, his parents, who want him to get married, are on board. Both of them experience love and intimacy. When Sindhuja refuses to be married but sree does, tensions escalate. Urvasivo Rakshasivo is the focus of what they ultimately undertake and Sree's struggle in the interim.

Although sirish -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW'>allu sirish gave a respectable performance, there are still many scenes where he could improve. He performed both the comical and the romantic scenes admirably. anu emmanuel presents as a driven and responsible young woman. She was effective in the role and fit the bill. The majority of the comic segment was handled by vennela kishore and Sunil, and they did an excellent job. OTT terminology one-liners by vennela kishore frequently make people chuckle. In their respective roles, Aamani, Posani, Prithvi, and others succeeded well.

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