Keerthy made an appearance in the video wearing all black and joyfully singing and dancing to the song from Vijay's movie. Fans responded favourably and commended Keerthy, who has already admitted publicly in a number of interviews that she is a fan of Vijay. In movies like Bairavaa and Sarkar, the pair collaborated. Keerthy last appeared in the tamil film Saani Kaayidham, in which she played a victim of gang rape who sought retribution. Due to the film's heavy use of violence, reviews were inconsistent.
Saani Kaayidham really distinguished itself from other tales of retribution by treating violence with such style that it nearly becomes a cathartic experience that the audience doesn't mind appreciating. Even while this gritty tale of retribution occasionally comes off as excessive, it's still a movie that deserves high praise for its stunning graphics and a standout performance from Keerthy. The actress, however, is currently upset that she didn't appear in the PS-1 movie and feels that trisha should have been replaced by Kunthavai.