The telugu version of the movie Kantara was released on october 14; the kannada version of the movie was released on september 30. Since then, the movie has only produced success stories that no other movie has ever produced. With the big box office take, this success clearly demonstrated its impact on the industry. Now, it has added another feather to its cap by selling a total of 1 crore tickets in Karnataka.

Kantara has received a tonne of affection and acclaim from the public, critics, celebrities from various industries, national lawmakers, and several other dignitaries ever since its release. Kantara has developed into a movie that is hot right now, with talk about it everywhere. The love is then viewed in theatres as a massive crowd of viewers rush to see the movie due to the excellent word-of-mouth advertising.

This has had an impact on ticket sales, as the movie has sold an astounding 1 Cr. tickets in Karnataka. It is quite amazing that the movie is still seeing increases in both viewing and box office take so long after it first came out. According to its box office receipts, the movie has earned more than $300 million worldwide. Kantara also achieved the top spot on IMDb's most recent list of the 250 films currently playing in India.

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