General Maharaja For Dhamaka, a high-profile action comedy with a family-friendly concept, Trinadha Rao Nakkina and ravi Teja are working together. Actress Sreeleela from Pelli SandaD has been coupled with ravi Teja. What's Happening, a recently released lyrical song, features Sreeleela daydreaming about romance with ravi Teja. When the word Nanna (dad) appears in the song's lyrics in the video, ravi Teja's visage flashes.

Social media users are amusing themselves by joking that even the song's creators are making fun of ravi Teja for the age difference between him and the lead actress Sreeleela. They make the observation that their age difference cannot be overlooked and that the pair looks really strange. But people need to understand that not just ravi Teja should not be the focus; this truth applies to all senior heroes. The age difference will be obvious if any of the youthful, in-demand heroines of today are cast alongside older heroes. But there is no stopping it.

How many viewers would be thrilled to see a middle-aged heroine as the hero's love interest in any movie? None. To demand that ravi Teja quit portraying heroes who are considerably younger than he is is unjust and unreasonable.

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