Nisha Rawal: When her husband broke her head, nisha narrated the horrific incident in injured condition

Nisha Rawal herself spoke in front of the media about the shocking incident that happened to her. Since then, his personal life is often in the headlines.

Famous small-screen actress nisha Rawal is celebrating her 42nd birthday today. On this special occasion, she is getting a lot of congratulations (Nisha Rawal Birthday). nisha has been in the headlines for the past few years regarding her personal life. She has separated from her husband karan Mehra (Karan Mehra) but before separation, she spoke openly in front of the media about the atrocities committed against her. She had told how her husband karan Mehra had beheaded her and not only this, she had accused karan of domestic violence as well as infidelity.

Nisha Rawal, while giving an interview to the media about a year ago, had accused her husband of domestic violence and cheating. She said that after suffering for many years, when he finally spoke to karan, karan slammed his head on the wall and his head started bleeding. nisha claimed that karan had done the same before but she remained silent thinking about society and her career. During this interview, he showed many pictures in which the marks of injury were visible.

After these allegations of Nisha, karan himself also held a press conference and declared himself innocent by writing 600 pages. Describing Nisha's allegations as false, he had said that Nisha's affair was going on with this person, whom she used to tie rakhi and who had also done Kanyadaan in her marriage. The series of allegations continued for a long time and both are still fighting for their son Kavish. Kavish lives with nisha and karan alleged that nisha does not even let him meet his son.

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