When actress malavika met superstar Rajinikanth after 17 years, the selfie photo she took with him is now going viral on social media. malavika made her debut as a heroine in the film 'Unnai Thedi' released in 1999 starring ajith kumar and directed by Sundar. C. The first film she acted in was well received by the fans and in the year of her debut, 4 films were released in succession. Due to the lack of proper story choices, when tamil film opportunities started decreasing, she started acting in languages like kannada and Telugu. But malavika has mostly acted in tamil films.
As the market for her began to decline, she went to the extent of doing item dance in films like chitram Pesudadi. Also, she acted in a special appearance in films like maya Kanaadi, Machakkaran, and Singakutty. Similarly, it is known that malavika played a small role in the 2005 Superstar Rajinikanth starrer 'Chandramukhi' directed by Vasu. After 17 years of acting, she recently met Rajinikanth, who was a special guest when she attended the music concert of composer Dev. The actress also enjoyed taking pictures with Meena. Photos of this are already trending on social media.